How to use Chrome Remote Desktop

Chrome Remote Desktop is a web based screen sharing program. It generates a one time use code you can give to someone who you want to share your computer screen with, so they can take control of your system to help you with an issue. Once you end the session, that code is no longer valid and no one can use it to take control of your computer. It is a very nice and simple remote computer sharing system. One warning to note. Nothing is completely safe. There is risk no matter what you use. You need to understand that before using this application. Neither Google nor Myself, will accept any responsibility for anything that happens if you chose to use this. It is a use at your own risk program. With that being said lets start the tutorial.

To share your computer access with someone else

  1. To start open your Browser of choise and go to Chrome Remote Desktop
  2. In the upper right hand corner is a button called "Share my screen" Click that button
  3. If you are not signed in with your Google login you will be redirected to a Google sign in page Please sign in with your google account
  4. Once you are signed in you will be redircted to the Chrome Remote Desktop page
  5. If you have not used Remote Desktop before then in the lower Right hand section of the page is a small window asking you if you would like to install Chrome Remote Desktop. In order to use this feature, you will have to install it once. click on the Install button.
  6. Once the download is complete, the box in the middle of the screen will change to say "Ready to install" click the button Accept & Install. Just as a side note, by clicking this button you are accepting the Google license, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy. You alone will have to decide if you want to accept this.
  7. After you click the button it will launch the installer. Like most installers you will have to click through a few windows to complete the install.
  8. Once the install is complete a red box will show up inside the "Share this screen" section, stating Chrome Remote Desktop is now installed. Also in the lower right of the section you will have a new blue button "+ Generate Code" click that button to generate a code you will give to the person you want to access your system.
  9. The code will look something like this "6882 0953 1489" this is not a valid code so don't try to use it. but it will give you an idea of what to look for. also please note that the code you are given will only be valid for 5 minutes. At the end of 5 minutes you will have to generate a new code.
  10. Once you give the code to the person helping you and they enter it on their end. You will get a pop up asking if you would like to allow the person to see and control your computer. You will have to click on the Share button to allow the person to have access to your system.
  11. You can share your screen if you are using the following OS on your computer. Windows, Mac and Debian Linux.
I hope this turtorial has been helpful. Please remember to never allow someone you don't know to access your computer. EVER!